[绍酒芙蓉虾] Steam Prawns with Shaoxing Wine and Egg White
鲜虾 8只
花雕酒 2汤匙
酱油 一汤匙
胡椒粉 少许
麻油 一茶匙
蒜蓉 两汤匙
姜丝 15g
葱花 一棵
蛋白 4颗
水 3汤匙
玉米粉 1/4茶匙
盐 1/4茶匙
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
1. 鲜虾去肠,开背。
2. 把材料A掺在一起,腌制15分钟,备用
3. 拿个小碗把蛋白汁,轻轻搅拌
4. 把虾铺在蒸盘里
5. 然后把蛋白汁倒进蒸盘里
6. 把蒜蓉和姜丝铺在虾上面
7. 把蒸盘放进预热好的蒸炉里,蒸6分钟至熟
8. 然后撒上葱花即可
[Steam Prawns with Shaoxing Wine and Egg White]
Ingredients A:
8 prawns
2 tbsp hua tiao wine
1 tbsp light soya sauce (to taste)
⅛ tsp pepper
1 tsp sesame oil
Ingredients B:
15g minced garlic
15g ginger (julienned)
15g chopped spring onions
Egg white custard:
4 egg whites
3 tbsp water
¼ tsp cornflour
¼ tsp salt
⅛ tsp pepper
1. Make a slit in the back of prawns, and devein them leaving the shells on.
2. Marinate ingredient A and set aside for 15 mins.
3. In a bowl, mix Egg white custard. Give it a gentle mix until combined.
4. Lay the prawns out on a steaming plate.
5. Pour the egg white mixture around it.
6. Sprinkle minced garlic and julienned ginger on top of the prawns.
7. Steam prawns for 6 minutes or until the prawns are cooked.
8. Garnish with chopped spring onions.
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